How can our children benefit from the idle time they have during summer? The best option is summer camps, where children enjoy very much lots of new activities, they meet new friends and return home with a more mature and strong personality. Camps can be divided in two big groups, residential camps and day camps, which is the perfect one for your kid?
Day camps are recommended for children aged 3 onwards, since the activities programmed are done during the day. They are also thought for those kids who wish to enjoy the experience of summer camps little by little, without spending the night out.
Another issue to be taken into consideration for day camps are timetables, as they usually coincide with your working hours during summer, so your children will be looked after while you are working. In addition, some day camps offer the possibility to join certain activities instead of going to the entire camp, which gives you more flexibility regarding timetables and budgeting. Because day camps are cheaper compared to overnight camps since kids spend 24 hours a day, they are looked after by instructors, with all meals and activities included.
Nonetheless, you can also decide to send your kid to an residential camp, meaning that he will have a different daily routine and different friends during one week or two, and will live a completely new experience. In overnight camps, kids live together with other kids so they will develop new social skills and will boost their autonomy and communication. When parents are not around, our kid will hold more responsible of himself and will learn
how to handle different situations, such as organising his clothes and tidy his stuff. And he will also be very excited to tell you everything about his day! Overnight camps allow kids immerse themselves into a new daily routine, as it happens in our Spanish summer camps, for example, because they will practise and learn Spanish every day. And although it might be a bit hard in a first moment, they will finally enjoy so much they will not want to go back home!!
With regard to parents, residential camps provide us some space for self-enjoyment or spare time with our couple, since the duration of the camp is recommended to be two weeks (not less, otherwise it will not be that profitable). In fact, many parents travel with their kid when they go to a summer camp abroad and they enjoy the destination while he is at the camp. In the end, this is a matter of organising holidays of all the family so that summer is wonderful for everybody!
Regardless of the choice you take, either residential camps or day camps offer lots of activities for your kid to enjoy very much: games, sport, swimming pool, new friends… He will do different things every day!! Besides, all the camps we work with foster educational values and healthy habits to strengthen our children’s personality, such as teamwork, respect, generosity and self-esteem.
Languages, gastronomy, dancing, sports… There are lots and lots of overnight camps and day camps, specialised in certain activities for your kid to develop specific skills while he is enjoying the camp. If you need advising to choose the perfect camp for your kid, take a look to these 5 steps or just contact SoloCampamentos and we will solve any doubt you may have.
Good luck searching your summer camp in Spain (either it is an residential camp or a day camp!)